Creation of a Gateway
The proposed LFS station of the HSWRL, Digital Technology Hub, waterfront performance venue and the waterfront open space as a gateway to Hong Kong.
The proposed LFS station of the HSWRL, Digital Technology Hub, waterfront performance venue and the waterfront open space as a gateway to Hong Kong.
Ensuring design harmony between new developments and existing villages and rural / natural environment, utilising sensible built forms and preserving / revitalising natural and cultural elements.
Gradation of development densities entailing high density developments around railway stations in town centre and descending towards TBT and PN and the seaside, creating a quality living environment attractive to all.
Adopting 15-minute neighbourhoods, smart and sustainable mobility with green transport corridor, car-free precincts, breezeways, district cooling system, etc., to encourage carbon neutrality and healthy living.
Interweaving landscape and ecological corridors with development clusters, promoting biodiversity through blue-green strategy, open space network and enhancing ecological connectivity.